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Freefly VR

Freefly is a virtual reality headset that cooperates with your mobile device (either Android or Apple OS) and VR compatible applications to create an immersive virtual reality environment for the user.

Setting up Freefly VR

To use the Freefly, download either the Freefly VR Glide Control app (or any Google Cardboard VR compatible app) on either your Android or Apple iOS mobile device.

  • On the Freefly headset, press the button indicated in the photo below. This will extend the support wings that will hold your phone in place.

Freefly tut 1.JPG

  • Next, lift open the lock shaped latch that can be seen in the photo below:

IMG 1981.JPG

  • Now, connect your mobile device with Freefly VR

Connecting your Mobile Device to Freefly VR

  1. Open your downloaded VR compatible mobile app, the app should automatically work with the Freefly device.
  • If you downloaded the Freefly VR Glide control, the app will prompt you through the following instructions, if you downloaded another VR compatible app, place your phone in the device according to the following alignments without being prompted.
  1. Turn your phone to landscape mode and place it in the the device. Press "Next" if you're using the VR Glide control app to align your phone with the Freefly VR headset.
  2. Use the horizontal lines on the support arms to correctly align your mobile device with the headset, once the horizontal lines are aligned with the center of your phone, this step is complete. Press "Next" if using the Glide Control app, and/or proceed to the next step
  3. Follow the previous step for the orange vertical lines located on the inside eyes of the headset.
  4. Push the support arms in until your mobile device rests comfortable between them.
  5. You can now use the firefly with any VR compatible mobile app.