Wanhao Duplicator 4 Using Simplfy 3D

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Maximum Print Size: 22.5 x 14.5 x 15 cm

Layer Thickness: 100 microns in ABS, PLA and PVA


  • Device Settings: (Typically 200- 215°C for the extruder and 70°C for the platform)
  • Extrusion Speeds
  • Infill (Lower this for faster prints. Raise it for stronger prints.)
  • Model Properties
  • Multi-Material Printing: (One can add Purge Walls to help eliminate loose filament from attaching to the piece)
  • Raft: (Usually a good idea to keep on)
  • Supports and Bridging (Used when parts have an overhang so that the printer has a surface to print on)
  • Right Extruder
  • Left Extruder

Using Simplfy 3D

Simplify 3D is only available on __Space.URI's two dell laptops as well as three desk tops

  1. Open Simplify 3D
*If there is an existing file on the bed click remove or delete so that you can begin your project
  1. Click the "import" button to import your .stl or .obj file
  2. Select your file and then click open. Your object should then appear on the bed
  3. The Select "edit process settings," a new window should open. Confirm that the selected profile is Wanhao Duplicator 4/ 4s dual.
*This new window will allow you to alter various settings. Ex.) Infill, Percentage, Skirt/ Brim, Generating Support, etc. You an also edit the temperature of the nozzle and bed. Recommended nozzle temp. is 210 degrees, bed temp. is 60. Once satisfied hit okay.
* If your printer is not found on the list, follow these steps: 
1. Under the "help" tab select "configuration assistant," and a new window should open
2. Under the "select printer" tab locate your desired printer (in this case: Wanhao Duplicator 4/4x dual)
3. Click next and then finish
4. Eddit the process settings to the following:
  *Change auto configuration for the material from ABS to PLA
  *Change the temperature for the Right and Left extruder to 210 degrees
  1. Run through all the tabs and edit the FFF file to your liking
  2. When you are done editing your FFF file hit okay
  3. Double click on your object to bring up a new menu where you can change the position, scaling, and rotation of your object. Once satisfied select done.
  4. Be sure to lay the object down so that it requires the least amount of supports possible. There is also a center button that can be used to recenter the project on the table, remember to click it before printing.
  5. When you are ready to print select "Prepare to Print!" Located on the bottom left hand corner. This will bring you to a preview mode where you can watch your model virtually print.
  6. When ready to export save, select save tool paths to disk
  7. Save your file

You are now ready to print your file on the duplicator 4!

Printing a .x3g file

  1. Turn on Wanhao Duplicator 4 (the power switch is located on the back of the printer).
  2. Insert the SD card containing a .x3g file into the bottom right port on the Wanhao 4.
  3. Locate “Print from SD” on the Wanhao’s screen and select OK.
  4. Use the arrows to select the desired file then press OK.
  5. The printer will begin printing once the temperature levels stabilize.
*Remember to apply glue or blue tape, provided in the bins near the 3D printers
*To cancel a job, push OK, locate and select “Cancel Print” and select "yes".
*It is important that object lay flat on the bed to get a good foundation and so that the printer is able to accurately print the object.

Loading filaments

  1. Power on the Wanhao Duplicator 4
  2. Select "Utilities-" "Filament Loading-" "Load Left/Right"
  3. Wait for the Duplicator 4 to preheat
  4. Place spool on spool holder located behind the printer. The spool should release on the side of the printer.
  5. Pull out the black tube from the top of the extruder
  6. Feed the filament through the back end of the tube until it comes out.
  7. After being preheated, push down on the black lever near the extruder and begin feeding the filament through the extruder hole
  8. Push down the filament until the machine begins self feeding